The Public Purchasing Association of North Central Texas offers exceptional benefits to public purchasing professionals in the area. Our membership runs from January 1st through December 31st and for a small annual fee of $75, you can further yourself professionally and help cultivate relationships within the purchasing community.
- Quarterly networking opportunities - Meet with local public purchasing professionals, hear knowledgeable speakers on current topics, and earn continuing education credits at our monthly meetings! Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the every month (except March, November and December). The March meeting is typically a Supplier Showcase. It's a great way to make new contacts and share best practices. Check out our upcoming meetings and events.
- Seminars - Members enjoy a discounted rate for PPANCT seminars and receive 7 continuing education credits (CEUs) per seminar. Our Spring and Fall Professional Development Days keep attendees abreast of the latest issues facing public procurement professionals today.
- Scholarships - The Mary Jo Sinclair Scholarship Program is available to members for continuing professional education and can be awarded at any time throughout the year. PPANCT also offers scholarships to the National Procurement Institutes (NPI) annual conference.
- Newsletters - Our newsletter keeps members informed about current purchasing news, job openings, local purchasing-related events, and more.
If you are a public purchasing professional in North Central Texas, we invite you to complete our membership registration using the link below. We look forward to welcoming you at an upcoming meeting.
Any questions regarding membership? Please contact us today.