PPANCT’s vision is to be recognized as an association of highly trained public purchasing professionals that promotes advancement of the purchasing profession.
Message from President: As President of the PPANCT, I would like to thank each of you for your trust in my ability to serve this association in this capacity. Being a member of PPANCT has provided me the ability to meet some of my most valuable contacts in the procurement world, through the power of networking. I believe that in today’s age of technology, webinars, and online training, networking is the greatest gift this association has to offer. I am proud of our Chapter's successes over the years, and it is my hope that members, both new and old, come to learn the value of this association so that we can work as partners to keep it thriving for years to come. I would also like to thank the members of PPANCT for your continued participation and enthusiasm in our professional community. Should you have any colleagues or friends that are members of the procurement community, please encourage them to join our invaluable association. As always, if you have any suggestions or requests for meeting content, please reach out to us with those requests. It is our ultimate goal to serve the needs of our members.
T.K. Stastny, NIGP-CPP, CPPB |